There are several ways that a cold sore may dry up quicker. See the related link for information on this.
You can get a cold sore wet.
A cold sore is a micro-organism.
Do not pop the cold sore; it can cause it to spread.
A cold sore is caused by a virus.
Anyone, who comes into contact with the virus, can get a cold sore.
Dogs wont get a cold sore from people.
The main thing you want to do with a cold sore is dry it out. Try not to get the area of the cold sore wet! Drying out the cold sore will make it disappear in as short a time as 3 days, and thinking that they can last 2 weeks+ that's a good time to wait. What I use to dry out a cold sore is Mouthwash! Just get a piece of kitchen/toilet paper (a clean piece of course) and put the paper (folded up to make it thicker) over the top of the mouthwash bottle and then turn it all over so the mouth wash pours on the paper cleanly. Then, hold the mouthwash soaked paper on the cold sore. Do NOT move it around or take it off for at least 1-2 minutes as this will spread the cold sore to other areas around the face. Repeat this process every 2-4 hours and the cold sore should dry out. This method of drying the cold sore out can after removal of the paper begin to sting or you may get a throbbing sensation, although the outcome is totally worth it!
Nipples can get sore due to cold weather.
No, toothpaste does not help in treating a cold sore.
A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth and lips. The symptoms of a cold sore are fever, sore throat, pain around the mouth, and swollen glands around the neck.
Popping a cold sore is not a good idea .The herpes virus could be in the fluid that comes out.The areas the fluids splash on could have a cold sore there.Dont pop it unless you have to.If you want it to go away,abreva is a good product.
Cold sores are caught by coming into direct or indirect contact with an infected persons cold sore.