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Charlies angels Get some action

Charlies Angels Full Throttle

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Q: Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz and Lucy lui all star in?
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Who played the charlie's angels?

Drew Barrymore Cameron Diaz Lucy Liu

Name the actresses from Charlie's Angelsnewversion?

Drew Barrymore Cameron Diaz and Lucy Lui

What is star cast of charlie's angle movie?

Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, and Cameron Diaz

What are the girls called out of charlies angles?

Natalie - Cameron Diaz Dylan - Drew Barrymore Alex - Lucy Lui

Who was other actress in charlie's angel other than Drew Barrymore's?

Lucy Lui and Cameron Diaz. (the main characters)

Who plays Dylan in Charlie's Angels?

Cameron Diaz plays Natalie Cook, Drew Barrymore plays Dylan Sanders, and Lucy Liu plays Alex Munday in

What films connect Drew Barrymore Cameron Diaz and Lucy liu?

Charlies Angels get some Action and the sequel Full Throttle

What is name of charlie's angels actress?

Assuming that you speak of Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle, they were:Natalie Cook - Cameron DiazDylan Sanders - Drew BarrymoreAlex Munday - Lucy LiuThe bolded words are the characters, not the actresses.

Is there going to be a third Charlie's Angels movie?

Well maybe but Drew Barrymore is ready.... No one knows about (Cameron Diaz or Lucy Liu). If there is going to be a new one i hope its good!

In charlies angel camaroon diaz is actress what is the name of othes 2 actresses?

Hi ya....Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu

Is there going to be a charlies angels 3?

Well if you are talking about the movie there may be one.... But i know Drew Barrymore is ready to make a new one for sure we i don't know about Cameron Diaz or Lucy Liu..... But if there a new one i hope its good very good :)!

Who appeared in both Charlie's Angels and GI Jane?

"Charlie's Angels" (2000) starred Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu as the Angels. As an aside: A "made for TV" Charlie's Angels movie is planned for October 2011 release, to be produced by Drew Barrymore. Actors have not yet been announced as of November 2010.