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I'm not too sure about the answer myself, but I'll take a crack at it. My understanding is that temperature increases the kinetic energy of air particles (molecules) in the ball (e.g. on a hot day a balloon expands. Likewise, on a cold winter day, the balloon tends to shrink a lot quicker). When "excited" (through increase in temperature), particles tend to speed up, and bounces against the inner wall of the ball. This results in an overall increase in pressure inside the ball, which thus results in a higher bounce (e.g. a soccer ball pumped fully bounces higher than a partially deflated soccer ball).

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13y ago
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17y ago

It depends on the surface the ball is bouncing on. If the ground is cold, then usually it is harder than normal. When the outfield grass is warmer it's usually softer. Unless the softball is in extreme heat or extreme cold, the ball wont bounce noticeably different. The atoms will be moving slower in a colder softball than in a warmer softball, but it wont cause the ball to die or anything.

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9y ago

Well yes, if its hot the ball bounces high... so if its cold the ball is more flat.

~Answered by a Pro Tennis Player~

A warmer environment will expand the air inside an inflatable ball making it bouncier.

A warmer temperature may also make the ball surface more pliant and bouncier.

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17y ago

the ball is harder in the cold weather making it less bouncy but in warm weather the ball is less stiff and more bouncy.

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16y ago

when it is cold the bat and the Baseball get harder so the ball can not be hit as far

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10y ago

There are a few reasons why a baseball's temperature affect it's bounce. The higher the heat the faster the molecules move.

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16y ago

The heat sometimes exspands the ball because it is made of ruber

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14y ago

The warmer the temperature is, the farther the ball will travel because colder air is denser, and denser air impedes the ball's movement.

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Does the temperature affect the bounce of the ball?


How does the speed of temperature of tenis ball affect the height of its bounce?

The temperature of a tennis ball can affect its bounce height. As temperature increases, the air molecules inside the ball expand, causing it to bounce higher. Conversely, at lower temperatures, the ball may not bounce as high due to decreased air pressure.

What pictures can answer the question How does temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

A series of images showing a ball being dropped from different heights at varying temperatures, with the resulting bounce height measured. A side-by-side comparison of a ball bouncing on surfaces at different temperatures to visually demonstrate the effect of temperature on the bounce. Infographic illustrating the relationship between temperature and bounce height of a ball, with temperature as the x-axis and bounce height as the y-axis.

How does temperature affect the height that a dropped ball bounces?

Temperature can affect the bounce height of a ball due to its impact on the elasticity of the ball material. In general, higher temperatures can make the ball material softer and less bouncy, resulting in a lower bounce height. Conversely, lower temperatures can make the material stiffer and more elastic, leading to a higher bounce height.

How temperature affect the bounce of a tennis ball. show a bar chart?

Temperature does affect the bounce of a ball. I know this because I did an expiremnt on the exact same question. The hotter the temperature is, the more pressure builds up inside a ball and the more bouncier it will be. The colder it is, pressure decreaces making it bounce lower than what the ball bounced at room temperature. In conclusion, the ball bounces higher when it is warmer and it bounces lower when it is colder.

What materials do you need to make a project for the question How does temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

A freezer, oven, a room

Does the warm temperature affect the bounce of a ball?

Yes, warm temperatures can affect the bounce of a ball. Warmer temperatures cause the air inside the ball to expand which can make the ball slightly more bouncy compared to when it is cold.

How does the tempoure of a ball effactus how hi it bounce?

The temperature of a ball can affect how high it bounces because it can impact the elasticity of the ball material. When the ball is colder, it tends to become harder and less elastic, leading to lower bounce height. Conversely, when the ball is warmer, it becomes more elastic, resulting in a higher bounce.

Why doesn't a ball bounce?

A ball may not bounce if it has lost its elasticity due to age or damage, or if the surface it is bouncing on is too soft or not rigid enough to generate a proper rebound force. Additionally, factors such as the temperature or air pressure inside the ball can affect its bounce.

What variables do you think might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce?

Variables that might affect the height to which a dropped ball will bounce include the material of the ball, the surface it bounces on, the height from which it is dropped, and the elasticity of the ball. Other factors may include air resistance, temperature, and any external forces acting on the ball during the bounce.

How does Temperature affect the bounce of a golf ball?

Temperature can affect the bounce of a golf ball by impacting its elasticity and resilience. Colder temperatures can cause the golf ball to become less elastic and more rigid, resulting in a lower bounce. Conversely, warmer temperatures can increase the ball's elasticity and lead to a higher bounce.

Does the surface affect the bounce of a ball?

Yes, the surface can affect the bounce of a ball. A harder surface like concrete will result in a higher bounce compared to a softer surface like grass or sand. The elasticity and friction of the surface play a role in how the ball rebounds.