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Yes, they can carry salmonella. This is much more common with baby turtles than it is with adult ones, but you should still wash your hands after touching the turtle, and for heaven's sake, don't kiss it.

However, turtles are also in danger of catching diseases from us, so you should also wash your hands before touching your turtle.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Sometimes they carry salmonella, although this is more common with the babies than with the adults. As long as you wash your hands after touching them, you should be fine.

You should also wash your hands before you touch them, because they can get sick from the germs humans carry.

Turtles often carry salmonella, so you should always wash your hands after handling one.
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Yes, red-eared sliders can carry salmonella, although this is much more common with the babies than it is with the adults. You should always wash your hands after touching your turtle, just in case.

Also, turtles can get sick from germs that humans carry, so it is also important to wash your hands before you touch your turtle, too.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

some can carrysalmonella and others just different bacterias would wash my hands good after touching them especially with young children

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