Like every other place on earth, deserts can have earthquakes, because of the tectonic plates beneath them that shift and collide.
Spreading center earthquakes are always shallow, subduction zone earthquakes can be very deep.Spreading center earthquakes are typically of lower magnitude than subduction zone earthquakes.
Yes. Earthquakes of SOME intensity happen SOMEWHERE every day. There were 2 strong earthquakes today, one in Italy, one in Tonga. The running tally for 26 October 2016 from earthquakes today681 earthquakes in the past 7 days3,156 earthquakes in the past month41,088 earthquakes in the past year
Intraplate earthquakes occur farther inland than other earthquakes. These earthquakes occur within a tectonic plate, away from plate boundaries where most earthquakes typically occur. Intraplate earthquakes can be caused by ancient faults or stress within the plate itself.
If you take the past earthquakes and study them and how they were you can find out about where some future earthquakes might be then you can provide a warning for earthquakes about 10% of the time.
I love dessert - J'aime dessert You love dessert - Vous aimez dessert They love dessert - Ils aiment dessert
English --- dessert Swedish --- dessert
dessert its not dessert its desert -.- dessert it like another meal....
no alabama does not have a dessert
No curry is not a dessert
It's a dessert.
dessert obviously.
A dessert.
Sahara Dessert and Gobi Dessert is what you're looking for.
yes Arizona does have a dessert. :)