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1 Ranged Exp per hit, (Not counting damage done - E.G 35 - 35 xp, you will still get 1 Exp. )

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Q: Does the cannon in Runescape give xp?
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On runescape does the duel arena give xp?

yes i went there and it works ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Magic Logs give 303 xp per log when you burn them.

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usually each trout gives you 50xp

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yes. Yet willows are faster maples will give you more xp and if you have 60+ wc it'll help

Can a cannon kill a player in RuneScape?

In the wildy you can kill others with a dwarf multi cannon for ranged and strength xp i believe. It would be effective as a bakcup plan incase you are dying in a fight. By the way, decorative cannons make no difference.

Which runescape quests give the best strength and attack xp for P2p?

Vampire slayer gives like 5,000 attk xp... but thats about all...

What store in RuneScape sells cannon balls?

No store in Runescape does such.

Runescape a quest that gives ranging xp?

Temple of Ikov give a decent amount of ranging experience.