Depends, check cautiously if he looks at you, or gives you a pet name there are many many ways to know but if he thinks you don't like him he might act like he doesn't have feelings for you either and might start losing interest
He lost his watch.
The girl may ask the guy to walk her to class to enjoy his company, feel safer walking alone, or simply because they are friends and she enjoys his company. It could also be a subtle way of showing interest in getting to know him better.
Some signs a boy in your class likes you could be if he tries to spend time with you, makes an effort to talk to you, or shows interest in your hobbies or activities. However, the best way to know for sure is to directly ask him or engage in conversation to see if he displays signs of romantic interest.
A boy can feel a range of emotions just like anyone else, including happiness, sadness, anger, fear, excitement, and more. How a boy feels can depend on various factors such as his experiences, environment, relationships, and individual personality. It's important to consider each boy's unique feelings and emotions with empathy and understanding.
No, violence should never be equated to affection. It is important to set boundaries and seek help if someone hits you. Remember that healthy relationships are built on respect and communication, not violence.
pee on him.
well, I this boy in my math class is crushing on me but I like someone else. :)
A smile is all it takes.
they like like you and they want to go out with you!
If he laughs on my jokes and finds me funny .I feel secure and comfortable with him and I just look around only to see him and wait to share a glance with him. It means I like a boy in my class.
If you like a boy in your class you can ask him out or u can wait until he makes the move or try to hang out with him and get to know him or you can ask him if he wants to hang with some of your friends to go to the movies. If you like a boy in your class you can ask him out or u can wait until he makes the move or try to hang out with him and get to know him or you can ask him if he wants to hang with some of your friends to go to the movies.
Tell him how you feel.
I say you should tell yourself which do you like best and that boy tell him
Maybe, maybe not... if it's someone you don't like, probably not.
Acutally I have a boy in my class that is a total dip dip with woman
TOTALLY! Anytime a boy does anything to impress a girl he is totally into her!
From a School Counselor: Don't listen to anyone but the boy that you like. If boy B says he likes you tell boy B to tell boy A to come tell you himself. Never, never, never have a middle person because it always ends up bad! From me (the person who asked): what if you dont know if you like boy A or boy B and you're too scared to ask them if they like you?