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Q: Does the appendix play a big role in the digestion system?
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What is the difference between the cecum and the appendix in the human digestive system?

The cecum is a pouch-like structure at the beginning of the large intestine, while the appendix is a small, finger-shaped organ attached to the cecum. The cecum helps with the absorption of fluids and salts, while the appendix does not have a known function in digestion and may play a role in the immune system.

What role does the esophagus play in the digestion system?

it sends broken down food to the stomach for digestion

What does a cows appendix do?

The appendix in cows is an organ that has no known function in their digestive system. It is believed to be a vestigial structure, similar to the appendix in humans, which may have had a role in digestion in ancestral species but is no longer necessary.

True or false the appendix plays an important role in human digestion?


Does the parasympathetic nervous system play a role in increasing digestion?

Yes, the parasympathetic nervous system plays a significant role in increasing digestion by stimulating the release of digestive enzymes and increasing blood flow to the digestive organs.

What is the function of the appendix in humans?

The function of the human appendix is not entirely clear, but it is believed to play a role in the immune system as it contains lymphoid tissue. It may also serve as a reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria to repopulate the intestines after illness. In some cases, the appendix can become inflamed, leading to appendicitis, a condition that may require surgical removal.

What is the enzyme of the appendix?

there is none. It just stores beacteria. Doesn't store, produce, or relase any enzymes,

What organ system does the colon and appendix belong to?

The colon and appendix belong to the digestive system. The colon's main function is to absorb water and nutrients from food, while the appendix is a small pouch-like organ with an unclear function, but is believed to have some role in immunity.

How does the appendix help to the immune system of the body?

As of yet, the purpose of the appendix in the human body is not known. It is simply there and is often removed. Anyhow, appendix do play role in fetal development and adult.In fetus appendix act as a endocrine organ and in adult they help our body immune system to combat against microbes as it 'train' our immune system by exposing antigens to lymphoid cells in order to produce antibody.

What role do the teeth play in digestion?

they break down the food first then the rest of the digestive system breaks it down more.

What role do dolphins teeth play in the digestion system?

chewing the food to swollow it, so the food is then small enoigh to travel through the digestive system.