Yes. Basically. If they do not have a passprt book number then they usually have a control number of which the Immigration can track your passport or identification.
The Malaysian Passport does not have a Passport Book Number.
no , the Jordanian passport doesn't have book number
passport book numberBasically a passport book number is a control number of your passport. It is unique for all passport holders and is used to determine the holders and their files.
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No, I just talked to the people at the passport office of internal affairs and they said that the NZ passport has only a passport number and not a passport book number.
Hi Iranian Passports have no book number
The passport book number on a Malaysian passport is usually located on the same page as your photo. It is typically directly under the picture.
Well, honey, every passport has a passport book number, including those from Ghana. It's like the ID number for your little travel buddy. So yes, if you're looking for it, you better believe that Ghanaian passport has a passport book number.
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Your book number is most probably your passport number usually indicated inside the information flap of the Passport where the details of the holder is written.
on the second page of the passport