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It is the exact same rifle as the Glenfield Model 30A, and yes parts are the same as the Marlin 336. Forearm is the cap style.

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Where can a parts diagram for a Marlin 336 W be found?

Look at either Brownells or Numrich Gun Parts. Both have diagrams for the 336 Marlin.

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The Model 336 was not manufactured by Winchester... instead, it is a Marlin made lever-action. Contact Marlin through their website for parts & service. Bert H.

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Your Marlin model 336 was produced in 1976.

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the cs on a marlin model 336 stands for carbine standard.

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Try and Marlin

What is the age of marlin 336 RC number L9722?

Your marlin model 336 RC(regular carbine) was made by marlin firearms company in 1954.

What is the age of a Marlin 30 30 model 336 serial 24110916?

Your marlin model 336 was produced in 1976.

What year is a marlin 336 RC serial number K27297?

your marlin 336 RC(regular carbine) was made in 1953.

How do you tell when my marlin 336 3030 was made?

By including the serial number in your question,we will be able to answer when your Marlin model 336 was produced.

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your marlin model 336 RC(regular carbine) was made in 1948.

Need parts glenfield mod 30a 30-30?

Same as a Marlin 336. Order parts from Numrich gun parts, Hurley, NY