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There is no such animal as a "snow bobcat." The range of bobcats does not enter that of the Arctic fox so it is impossible for them to eat them. However, the Canada lynx is found in the territory of the Arctic and will occasionally feed on them.

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7y ago
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14y ago

Bobcats prefer rabbits and hares, it will hunt anything from insects and small rodents to deer. Prey selection depends on location and habitat, season, and abundance. So yes snow bobcats will eat Arctic foxes but not very often.

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13y ago

The polarbears don't eat snowy owls. The proof is that owls are nocturnal.

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8y ago

Yes, if they could catch one, or find a recently dead one.

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14y ago

It doesn't attack caribou, but it may feed on a carcass.

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9y ago

Such an occurrence is more likely to happen in the Scottish Highlands.

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No, raccoons are much to large to be prey of snowy owls.

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Q: Do Arctic foxes eat snowy owls?
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What animals eat snowy owls?

arctic foxes wolves and people!

Why do arctic foxes and wolves eat Snowy Owls?

Arctic foxes and wolves may eat Snowy Owls because they are opportunistic feeders, taking advantage of whatever food source is available in the harsh Arctic environment. Snowy Owls are occasionally preyed upon by these predators as they are not as agile as other birds and may be easier to catch.

What eats an Arctic lemming?

Snowy Owls, Arctic Foxes, Arctic Wolves, and other birds of prey. People dont eat them, but they hunt arctic lemmings for their fur.

What kind of owls eat Arctic hares?

snowy owls are the ones that mostly eat Arctic hares

Snowy owls predators?

Snowy owls are primarily preyed upon by larger raptors such as great horned owls and bald eagles. Other potential predators include foxes, wolves, and occasionally other owls. However, adult snowy owls are formidable predators themselves and are able to defend themselves and their nests effectively.

Do snowy owls eat wolves?

wolves do eat snowy owls

What Arctic animals eat seaweed?

Arctic animals that eat seaweed include walruses, some species of seals, and certain species of fish such as the Arctic cod and the Arctic char. These animals rely on seaweed as a source of food and nutrients in their cold, harsh environment.

What are Arctic foxes predators?

Predators of the Arctic fox include tundra wolves and sometimes polar bears.Young pups can be snatched away by snowy owls and golden eagles.wolves, polar bears, owls and eaglespolar bears, golden eagles, men, red foxes, and wolf packsredfoxes and eaglesArctic foxes don't usually have predators, however polar bears may kill them.Their main predators are the polar bear and wolf. When pups are young, however, owls and eagles are their predators as well. and bears can eat them too

Do polar bears eat the arctic fox and do the arctic fox eat the arctic hare?

Polar bears don't eat Arctic foxes, but Arctic foxes do eat Arctic hares.

What does the Arctic fox's prey eat?

Arctic foxes generally eat any small animal they can find, including lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion. They scavenge on carcasses left by larger predators such as wolves and polar bears, and in times of scarcity even eat their feces. They also eat some plant matter, including seaweed.

Snowy owl eat?

Snowy owls will eat small rodents, hares and other mammals. These owls will also eat birds from songbirds to geese and lemmings.

Do snowy owls eat eagles?
