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yes it does infact

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Q: Does smoking marijuana cause infection if you have a open wound in mouth?
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Related questions

Does a person get dry mouth from smoking crack?

A person may get dry mouth from smoking crack. People also get dry mouth from smoking a lot of Marijuana.

How does marijuana get into the body?

Though the mouth via smoking

What are the physical consequences of marijuana use?

Smoking marijuana can cause lung, mouth, or throat cancer. That's about it. Also, chronic marijuana users usually suffer from short-term memory problems, but this usually clears up once the person has quit using.

What are the negative health effects of smoking marijuana?

the negative effects are it give you a dry mouth and its not a premanet high

Can smoking cause spitting of blood?

Smoking can dry out your mouth and airway which can result in bleeding.

Does smoking mariijuna cause dry mouth?

yes it does but if you are used to smoking alot you probably wont

How is smoking involved mouth cancer?

First of all, your question is how does smoking involve mouth cancer. And to answer this question, smoking tobacco releases carcinogens into your body which causes your teeth and gums to rot. This cause mouth cancer.

Can a mouth swab test be affected if smoking marijuana 3 hours before a test is carried out to determine weather a child is someones?

Shouldn't be. A mouth swab test is testing DNA. Marijuana has nothing to do with your DNA, which cannot be changed.

Does smoking marijuana prevent cavities?

Cigarettes don't really cause cavities if you have healthy teeth, but they can certainly speed up the process of getting one because the nicotine is absorbed in your mouth through the smoke while you are inhaling, whether or not you "direct inhale". Proof: The yellow and brown nicotine stains that are dominant in people who have smoked for a long time, and personal experience.

What is the color of your tongue after smoking marijuana?

the color of your tongue generally doesnt change. but the cotton mouth associated with marijuana will give it a dried out appearance sometimes with a thick coat of white saliva.

How long so you have too keep washing your mouth out after smoking cause of tongue piercing?

just try not smoking

Is your system clean after 7 weeks without smoking marijuana?

yes you are definitely clear you only need like a mouth at the most