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OpinionYes No. Rice is Carbohydrate and protein. The protein in rice is incomplete and needs some amino acids from the body to enable it to be used for growth or tissue maintenance. Protein not used in this way is either converted to fat (if too many calories are consumed) or burned as fuel.


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14y ago

it contains very little fat

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Q: Does rice contain fat
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What does rice means in health?

Rice is must contain for our food because rice gives the carbohytrde & some fat to us. And the rice is very light food and good for our health.

Do cooked rice contain fat?

One cup of long-grain, cooked white rice will contain 0.4g of total fats. That's barely any at all, so rice is probably a good choice for a healthy meal base.

Does rice contain any fat?

White rice naturally contains a tiny amount of fat, around 0.3g per 180g serving, but fats of various kinds are often added during the cooking process.

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Rice does not contain gluten.

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Brown rice does not contain yeast.

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I think that wheat has less fat than rice

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What is the nutritional profile of fasting rice aka samak ke chawal?

Rice is naturally fat free. Rice contains protein which makes it a good diet food. Of course when one eats rice, hunger arrives in two hours. Fasting rice may contain some supplemental trace elements.

What does cooked rice contain?

rice and water you idiot

Where can one go to find information regarding diets that contain rice?

Not too many popular diets are centered around the consumption of rice, but books like The Rice Diet Solution outline such a diet. Many diets allow rice, especially those centered around the elimination of fat.

Does uncooked rice have fat?

rice has very little protein in it is a carb mostly. but slow releasing so its a good carb

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