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No, the ovaries produce eggs that are neither male nor female. It is the father's sperm that determines whether the egg will be male or female.

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Q: Does one ovary produce boys and the other girls?
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Why will girls be girls and boys be boys?

Because of the hormones they produce.

How do you produce boys instaed of girls?

If you drink beer you make boys if you drink wine you make girls

SHOULD boys and girls be separated?

I don't quite think so because boys and girls should get used to being with each other or in other words, get used to each other instead of feeling awkward when a girl or boy talks to you. Yup yup very true. They also need each other to produce more boys and girls.

Are boys brains different than girls?

physically no. There are chemicals produced more by boys and others produced more by girls, so chemically, there can be a difference. Testosterone and Estrogen are the most commonly known of these. Boys produce more testosterone and girls produce more estrogen, so the brain will contain more of one or the other depending on gender.

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Regularly yes, girls tend to be bullied by other girls and other boys on the internet more than boys.

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they are mean went they want to be mean and when they are in a bad mood

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A lesbian is a girl who wants to have "relationships" with other girls, not boys.

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Can girls do anything boys can do?

yes girls can do things boys boys can do..... like for example, some boys play football. some girls play football and other sports do.

Are boys better than girls or the other way around?

Ofcourse girls are better than boys. There is no doubt in it. Right girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay, go girls. I bet boys agree with that.

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because boys do other stuff than the girls

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mostly 50% of girls kind of like shy boys the other fifty girls like boys who talk and speak and talks her