The key word there is "nicotine test". If they are looking for niccotone they're not going to waste extra money looking for THC when that's not what the test is for.
No, marijuana cannot be detected using a standard breathalyzer. Breathalyzers are designed to detect alcohol levels in the breath, not drugs like marijuana. To detect marijuana use, a blood, urine, or saliva test would be required.
My Periodontist told me that the gum line around your teeth is a favorite place for the body to rid itself of nicotine so it would stand to reason that it can be detected in saliva.
Marijuana won't show up in a blood test, unless used immediately before. Amoxicillin can create a false positive for cocaine abuse, but if this is the case it should be easy to avoid trouble with proof of use of the drug.
A routine blood test typically does not specifically screen for marijuana. To detect marijuana use, specific tests such as urine, saliva, or hair follicle tests are usually conducted. These tests can detect the presence of THC, the active compound in marijuana, in the body.
Marijuana can typically be detected in a blood test for up to 1-2 days after use, but this can vary depending on factors such as frequency of use and individual metabolism.
Don't use marijuana.
Generally, nicotine leaves your blood 1-3 days after you stop using tobacco, (something your body makes after nicotine enters it) will be gone after 1-10 days. Neither will show up in your urine after 3-4 days.
It is possible for THC, the active compound in marijuana, to show up in a blood test after a single use. Detection time can vary based on factors like metabolism and frequency of use.
Usually, the only reason you would get a urine test is because you were accused of the illegal use of "maryjane" so yes,indeed, it does show up.
You can't. Posting any suggestions on how to pass is illegal, by the way. So don't do it. I second the person above me, theres no way, your system is dead inside exactly what is there to show? Hope you dont use marijuana
Not likely.
There are no magic potions or rituals that will allow you to use drugs and still pass a drug test. The only way to pass a test is to not use marijuana.