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Sure. It comes from what the fashion world says and peer pressure. Would you wear something that your friends thought looked bad? No you wouldn't so in order for you to not "look bad" you would wear what you thought they would like. Hence, Peer Pressure. Be your own person. Wear what you want. Fashions change.

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Q: Does fashion come from peer pressure?
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They're 5 Kinds of Peer Pressure These are it ~ Negative Peer Pressure , Positive Peer Pressure , Heavy Peer Pressure , Indirect Peer Pressure , and Friendly Peer Pressure

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Yes, teasing is a peer pressure it is a negative peer pressure...

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It Depends on the type of peer pressure; It it is negative peer pressure then yes but if it is positive peer pressure and your not under age then no.

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there is positive peer pressure friendly peer pressure indirect/dempting teasing heavy peer pressure/bullying

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Some sources of peer pressure include friends, classmates, siblings, social media influencers, and even parents or guardians. Peer pressure can come from various interactions and social environments in which individuals seek validation, acceptance, or approval from their peers.

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Is peer pressure a blessing or a menace?

Peer pressure can be either. When peers are encouraging a peer in a positive direction, it is a blessing. When they pressure a peer in a negative direction it is a menace. Unfortunately, peer pressure is often a menace.

What are types of peer pressure are there?

There are different types of peer pressure, such as positive peer pressure (encouraging good behavior or choices), negative peer pressure (encouraging risky or harmful behavior), and indirect peer pressure (feeling pressured to conform to a group's expectations or norms). Understanding these distinctions can help individuals navigate peer influence in a healthy way.

Is peer pressure and peer influence the same?

Peer pressure refers to the influence that peers can have on an individual to conform to their behavior or attitudes. Peer influence, on the other hand, is a broader concept that includes both positive and negative impacts that peers can have on an individual's behavior or decisions. So while peer pressure is a type of peer influence, not all peer influence involves pressure to conform.