If your talking about the naruto one then yes, why?, he tried to sneak up on gaara so he can kill him to fight and kill sasuke in the chunnin exams but instead get's killed by gaara, episode 54 or 59.
uh........... dude................ how the hell will he come back to life? Gaara crushed him and his body is like......... in a million pieces so get over him.
when did Cristina die
No, he doesn't die
no, pablo Picasso did not die of smoking
Dosu Joseph was born on 1973-06-19.
what are you saying
noone really knows.....
His name means: a yakuza sword. ya that is what his first name means.
Dosu Kinuta and Zaku Abumi attacked Kabuto because he said that the Sound Village was small. Zaku jumped behind Kabuto and threw a kunai at him. When Kabuto dodged it; Dosu moved in and attacked him which caused Kabuto's glasses to shatter and he began to vomit.
team 7- naruto, sasuke, sakura or... sasuke, dosu and tayuya this is what i think
Dosu Kinuta Tsuchi Kin Zaku Abumi14 years old 14 years old 14 years oldCan amplofy sound Can catch Can shoot windwith sound you in an illusion and channel soundamplyfier by using her bell senbone with holes in handon his arm.Killed by Gaara Killed by Orochimaru Killed by Orochimaruthey are the sound threeO the strongest is zaku the smartest is dosu and the weakess is kin they where first seen in the exams when they where in the forest of death and beat up lee to a pulp so skiamaru choji and ino hade to beat them with the help of saskethey where also in the next exam when kin vs shikamaru, dosu vs choji, zaku vs shino. the winners where SHIKAMARU,DOSU,AND SHINOdosu was kicked out of the exams for being the cause of the attack to kill the 4th hokaga so the finalest where kakuro, tamari, garra, skiamaru, naruto,shino, neji ,and saske. the winners where TAMARI BY DEFALT, SHINOBY DEFALT, NARUTO AND SASKE VS GARRA'S MATCH WAS CANCELED
use cheats or codes for unlimted hp or level 99
uh........... dude................ how the hell will he come back to life? Gaara crushed him and his body is like......... in a million pieces so get over him.
for gaara: gaara, shino and akadou for kimmimaro: kimmimaro, tenten S and temari for sasuke: sasuke, chiyo and dosu, replace chiyo with shizune if you dont have
There are many many many many sites for Naruto fanfiction, The ones I like the most is Fanfiction.net and Quizaz.com. These have many many many fanfictions, Akatsuki fanfics, All different ones for every character, EVEN SOME FOR ZETSU AND KISAME :O ~Dosu Uchiha