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Q: Does dark matter travel through people?
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Why can't sound travel trough dark matter as we say it is present everywhere?

Sound requires particles to travel through, but dark matter is believed to be non-interacting, meaning it doesn't interact with the particles that carry sound waves. This lack of interaction prevents sound waves from propagating through dark matter.

Could dark matter be causing the cosmic speed limit (the speed of light) as light gets slowed down when passing through dark matter?

That's completely unrelated. Light usually slows down when passing through ANY matter. It does not react with dark matter (which is what makes the "dark matter" invisible in the first place), except through the gravitational interaction. The "cosmic speed limit" is a limit on how fast ANYTHING can travel (matter, energy, or information); it is just conventional to call it the "speed of light". This speed limit is for a vacuum - the assumption is NO normal matter, and NO dark matter; the presence of any matter may slow light down slightly.

Why do astronomers think there is dark matter in the universe?

That is because the dark matter attracts normal matter through its gravitation.

What travels through empty space and through matter?

Light travels through empty space as well as through matter, such as air, water, and glass. It can also travel through vacuum, which is a form of empty space.

Matter does not contain?

Matter is the basis for everything. Anything that exists has matter. Dark matter are anomalies that cannot account for "missing matter". Matter does not contain the solar energy and radio signals that travel through "empty space".

Could you walk through a wall made up of dark matter?

Dark matter is a mysterious substance that does not interact with regular matter, so it is unlikely you would be able to walk through a wall made of dark matter. Our current understanding of dark matter is that it exists in a halo around galaxies and does not clump together like regular matter to form solid structures like walls.

Can dark matter kill you?

The whole point of dark matter ... the thing that makes it "dark" ... is that it doesn't interact with normal matter except through the gravitational force (and, possibly, for some potential types of dark matter ... remember that nobody really knows what it actually is yet ... the weak force).One type of dark matter that we know about for sure is neutrinos. Around 65 billion neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter of your body perpendicular to the direction of the Sun. They have been since you were born ... since before you were born, in fact. Even at night, because they go straight through the Earth too and come up through the ground on the side facing away from the Sun. The kajillion that have already done so haven't killed you yet, it's not all that likely that the kajillion and first is going to kill you.About the only reasonably possible way to die from dark matter would be if there were a lot of it concentrated in one smallish area, in which case you could be pulled apart by tidal forces if you were in a spaceship that went too close to it. This also isn't likely to happen.

What color is dark matter?

Dark matter is not visible to the naked eye and does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, so it does not have a color like visible matter. It remains invisible and undetectable through traditional telescopes, which is why it is called "dark" matter.

Can dark matter enter a humans body?

Dark matter does not interact with regular matter in the same way as atoms or molecules, so it cannot enter a human body or any other form of ordinary matter. Its presence is inferred through gravitational effects on visible matter, but it does not interact in a way that would allow it to pass through or interact with human cells.

Why do two dark matter particles collide?

Dark matter particles do not collide in the traditional sense, as they do not interact with each other via electromagnetic forces like atoms do. Instead, dark matter particles can pass through each other without interacting due to their weak interactions with normal matter. When dark matter is said to "collide" in scientific discussions, it usually refers to interactions through gravity or other unknown forces that are being studied to understand the nature of dark matter.

What is the use of dark matter?

Dark matter is sort of a cosmic scaffolding, holding galaxies together through sheer abundance, and since it only interacts with matter gravitationally, you cannot see it, and nor can you detect it....yet.

What if dark Matter is Time It Does not escape a black hole?

If all thing things pass through a worm hole. We have dark matter all over. How can it not past through a singletary. If you take all that we know about time. We always had a missing pieces. Ok, no more bull I believe that Dark Matter is Time . Matter flows into the center of a black hole and we know that nothing can escape. But we have too know that Dark Matter has too also have to go through the black hole. What if we look at Black Matter as a part /or time it self. We can't say that we know what Dark Matter is. We can't say what Time is. What if they were both the same. We know that they can not be Separated. I believe one day that it's from a Black Hole that we will see the Time distortion between Dark Matter and a Gravity Well. Remember Dark Matter is Matter. We can't see it right now. Just like Time. But who's to say there not the same.