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It processes the fuel vapors from the fuel tank. There should not be any liquid fuel in the canister.

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Q: Does charcoal canister store only liquid fuel only?
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Is fuel filter the same as charcoal canister?

No. The fuel filter filters the liquid gasoline that is pumped to the engine.The charcoal canister traps the gasoline vapors from the fuel system so they can be burned in the engine.No. The fuel filter filters the liquid gasoline that is pumped to the engine.The charcoal canister traps the gasoline vapors from the fuel system so they can be burned in the engine.

Do you get better gas mileage without a charcoal canister?

No. The charcoal canister does not have a noticeable affect on fuel economy.

Where is the charcoal canister in a 1998 grand am?

The charcoal canister on a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am is located beside the fuel filler tube. It filters fuel vapors as they exit the tank.

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How can you extract the fuel vapors from the charcoal in a charcoal canister?

its very simple condense the fuel vapors caught in the chanister in a separate cabin and recycle the fuel .

Where is the vent purge solenoid on a 99 Toyota Camry?

It must be on the charcoal canister. the charcoal canister should be located in the back of the car near the fuel tank.

2000 Hyundai Elantra charcoal canister?

These canisters are part of a fuel vapor system that filters outflowing air from gas tank when filled. Charcoal canister get clogged or spill charcoal to fuel lines, making difficult to fill the gas tank. The charcoal canister is located behind left rear wheel, close to the bumper. They have two hoses and an electrical conector.

Where is the charcoal canister located on a 2003 Ford Expedition?

The EVAP Fuel canister is located above the spare tire carrier behind the fuel tank.

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The canister should be under the impala on the same side as the fuel filler pipe. The charcoal filled unit holds fuel vapors.

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Vent to charcoal canister?

What does the charcoal canister do on a 2001 dodge stratus?

holds fuel vaporso the engine does not "diesel"

Where is the fule filter on 2000 Malibu?

it is just in front of fuel tank and by the charcoal canister.