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Q: Does black from Pokemon ever kiss white?
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How do you get the lava rock from Pokemon Black and White?

kiss my but

Where to find toge kiss in Pokemon Black?

You can't find Togekiss in Pokemon Black or White. You have to transfer from Pokemon Soulsilver, Heart Gold, Pearl or Diamond.

Do ash and dawn ever kiss in pokemon?

unfortunately no

Does ash and dawn ever kiss in a Pokemon episode?


Do Ash and May ever kiss in the Japanese version of Pokemon?

yes they do

Do Ash and May ever kiss in a Pokemon episode?

Nope! Sorry.

Did ash and dawn ever kiss in Pokemon?

No, Ash and Dawn did not kiss in any Pokémon episodes.

What makeup colors and brands do KISS use?

Black and white.

Will ash and may ever kiss on Pokemon?

Maybe when they're older some day on the future episode of pokemon.

What will be the next distributed Pokemon on Pokemon black and white?

no.this is it.he is a Pokemon master....=<.but i think mabey 1 more region not sure.but if this is it there i going to be more games.remakes of ruby in 2015.=>.also mistey and ash meet again and they kiss. hahaha.

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In Pokemon does ash kiss misty?

The only person has ever kissed in the Pokemon series is Serena and that is it, though ash and may did kiss once in an episode called A kiss under the mistletoe which got banned and was NA unaired in Japan and the US