Yes, a rattlesnake bite can potentially kill a horse due to the venom injected during the bite causing severe tissue damage and potentially leading to organ failure. Immediate veterinary care is crucial in such cases.
Rattlesnake Bite was created in 1985.
A rattlesnake could kill an animal the size of a horse or cow. However, it could not eat such a large animal. Its bite would be in self defense.
Without prompt medical treatment, any bite from a rattlesnake has the potential to kill a person.
No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.
Without proper medical treatment it takes but one bite to kill a person.
It depends - on whether the bite was just a 'warning strike' or a full-blown envenomation. If it was a 'proper' bite - then there is every likelihood that the snake injected enough venom to kill the wolf. Most rattlesnake venom is far more powerful than it actually needs to be.
A nonvenomous snake bite will usually heave two parallel rows of tiny puncture wounds from the teeth. A rattlesnake bite will usually have two larger puncture wounds from the fangs. See the image of a rattlesnake bite above.
Rattlesnake friends are those humans who appreciate the value of the snake's control of rodent populations and do not wantonly kill them out of fear, ignorance or just plain meanness.
It would depend on the snake, or more importantly where the snake. A rattlesnake bite in Canada will make you sick, but the furture south you go and the hotter the climate the more poisonous things become. Snakes in Texas can kill you with one bite. Snakes that live right at the equator are among the deadliest. actually, I think the answer shes looking for is... 1 Bite can kill a grown man in 12 minutes if not treated quckly. the EXACT dosage depends on the stature of the person
Rattlesnakes are not poisonous to eat. As long as the dog was not bitten in the process, it is in no danger. The venom is only dangerous when injected or if it gets into tissues or the blood through a wound or ulcer.