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A parent's rights and responsibilities don't automatically end because there is a problem with substances. Those rights are handled independently, and if they have not been restricted, they remain intact, as far as they can be given the living situation of the father. A father could not demand that a child live with him while he is in rehab, for example.

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Q: Does a married father that's in drug rehab have child rights?
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Does a father in rehab still have to pay back child support?


If the child's father is in rehab can you still file for abandonment?

No.If he's in "Rehab"he's "trying" to better himself.That is NOT Abandonment.

Does a mother in rehab have the right to decide who her child can stay with?

Provided family services has not taken the child, and/or the father has filed a child in need of care motion.

Can unmarried father take child from the mother in Illinois if she's in rehab?

He cannot simply take the child. He needs to request custody in the court that has jurisdiction over the child.

Can father see his child if he has been in rehab?

If the court orders require it, than yes. It should be encouraged as it shows the children that people can change.

Who is father of Nicole curtis' son Ethan?

Nicole Curtis is a "rehab addict" on the HGTV channel. She had a child named Ethan with her ex-husband Steve Lane.

How common are Rehab Centers for children?

Relatively uncommon, a child's rehab center could be found by searching the web or asking someone at a adult rehab center

What can a parent do if you think your child is addicted to marijuana?

take your child to rehab. they will believe you and get your child some therapy.

What happened to native Americans rights after the pueblo revolt?

they went into rehab.

Can a mother lose custody of her children because she went into a drug rehab program to get help for herself?

Temporarily. When a mother is in rehab and there is no father in the home, the child is classified as dependent (no parent or guardian willing or able to provide for and care for the child.) If the mother is able to work out an arrangement with a family member or friend while she is in rehab, sometimes that will suffice. Occassionally DHR/DCS will become involved and ensure the child has a safe placement and then upon return from rehab, DHR/DCS will administer random drug screens or require counseling before the family can return to "normal". Some rehab progams allow children and have a separate area for the children while the parent is in class. As long as the mother clearly shows that she is attempting to do what is in the best interest of her child, she shouldn't have to worry.

Are you required to let the father of your child see her on Thanksgiving even though his visitation orders do not mention holidays?

you should because it will let your kid know there father cares RE: I'm sorry to respond so immaturely but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and at least learn to spell before you go answering questions. The father DOESN'T care to pay child support, DOESN'T care to change diapers, DOESN'T care to follow up with rehab after his DUI, and has no interest in taking responsibility for the child he created. I wasn't asking an opinion, I was asking legal rights.

When your child is convicted of a felony are you still responsible for childsupport?

Yes unless this child is sent away in some rehab