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Yes, they filter out the particulate components of smoke such as tar. This results in a mild decrease in the amount of carcinogens, but filtered cigarettes should not be considered in anyway more safe or "better" for a person than unfiltered cigarettes- they represent an enormous health risk that can contribute to lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, and emphysema, among others. Stopping smoking now can greatly reduce your risk of developing such diseases.

Filtered cigarettes make no difference to the damage done to a person's lungs and body.

The filters do not even mildly decrease the amount of carcinogens. Same applies to Light,Mild or Extra Light cigarettes. It's all a successful marketing ploy.

The only thing that the filter on cigarettes is good for, is keeping bits of tobacco out of your mouth.

Filters cools the smoke, keeps your fingers from getting stained and keeps the tobacco out of your mouth. Whatever reduction in health risk has been counteracted by the additives that have been added to increase the flavor of the smoke. There is also the added risk of inhaling partials from the filter into the smoker's lungs and causing scaring and increasing the chances of emphysema. Also studies have shown that smokers tend to draw longer and harder on filtered cigarettes. This causes additional exposure to the harmful chemicals found in tobacco smoke. In other words, filtered cigarettes may in fact be worst for you than non-filtered ones. the same goes for the low tar and "light" cigarettes. The healthiest thing to do is simply to quit but if you are going to smoke, there maybe a slight and I mean slight reduced risk smoking non-filtered 100% natural cigarettes. Sadly there has been no study done on what is the healthiest way to smoke because there is really no interest in the non-smoking lobby in proving a healthier way to smoke and tobacco companies are not going to research that counteracts their marketing of low tar and filtered cigarettes.

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9y ago
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15y ago

They don't. People still get Emphasima, cancer of the lungs and other horrible things from smoking. Filters don't work. Supposedly, they filter out the raw materials used to make cigarrettes (the more harmful chemicals) which is why 2nd hand smoke is so bad for a person. Cigarettes contain more than 200 types of poison, the worst one being nicotine. Another is carbon monoxide. Filters on cigarettes help you to avoid as much poison as you would get if you smoked a non filtered cigarette. Also, they make the cigarette not taste as strong, and reduce the burning in your throat; they will not keep you from getting cancer; they just make cigarettes and their affects slightly less stronger.

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15y ago

The answer to your question depends on what you mean by "Work". If by work, you mean "prevent cancer and all other negative effects of smoking" then the simple answer would be that the only way to prevent the negative effects of smoking would be to never start smoking. Cigarette filters "work" in that they filter out some of the worse poisons in the tobacco, they make the smoke breathed into the lungs cooler, and thus smoother, and they prevent all of the nicotine in the tobacco from being transferred to your body and lungs.

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15y ago

Not completely. Although they may block the largest pieces of tar and hazardous particles but the smaller ones that can fit through the filter holes continue to go to your lungs. Also, the tiny fibers from the actually filter (fibers are made of cellulose acetate then glue and materials to hold it to the actual column of the cigarette) can go to your lungs, carrying all the tar it has caught with it. Cigarette filters are actually quite defective, even in 'light' and 'ultra light' cigarettes.

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14y ago

Yes, they filter out some of the tar and other particles in the cigarette. If you look at the filter after smoking, you see the brown color from the tar that was absorbed.

If the question is whether filters make cigarettes less unhealthy, that is less clear - smokers tend to compensate for light cigarettes or extra efficient filters by inhaling more deeply and/or smoking more cigarettes, so they end up with similar amounts of 'gunk' in the body.

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14y ago

The filter reduces the amount of tar and particles you inhale. I smoke lights. With lights, the filter lets a little air in, ultra lights let more air in. Regulars don't let air in.

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14y ago

No. Some filters are better than others. Some tobacco has less tar than others. It all depends on the demands customers make for flavor versus safety.

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12y ago

Yes, it prevents a choking hazard. If there was not a filter, you may swallow some tobacco which may result in choking and ultimately death.

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What are Marlboro cigarette filters made of?

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Are cigarette filters good for smokers?

In that a filter on a cigarette captures some of the particles released when a cigarette is smoked, yes they are. However, filters are not effective at preventing harmful substances being inhaled, they merely reduce the amount of some of those substances.To more precisely answer the question, they are not good for smokers.

Are tar stopper cigarette filters effective?

from my experience yes after about a week u will notice

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no germs on filters

If you ate a cigarette filter will your girlfriend eventually stop thinking you are strange?

I think that your Girlfriend will think you are even more strange if you ate Cigarette filters.

How do you smoke a prime time?

Puff and inhale just like a normal cigarette. That's why they have filters!

How does cigarette butts and filters pollute?

It doesn't pollute, paper and cotton break down and wash away.

How do you make a glue out of cigarette filter?

If done correctly cigarette filters and the right mixture of acetone can make a glue. However, it is not labeled as being a good glue and does not adhere well.

Do cigarette filters effect you body?

yes. the tiny particles that come off the filter are inhaled and cause cancer.

Do cigarette filters contain pork?

No. They do not contain pork. They have tobacco and various chemicals that give them shelf life and flavor.

Do cigarette company's put cigarette tobacco out as pipe tobacco?

Yes. The same tobacco can be bought at cigarette shops, and is called pipe tobacco, they even sell some tobacco that is labeled cigarette tobacco, but is more expensive because of the label. Papers with filters can be bought by the box very cheaply, and you can buy a small cigarette roller and roll a carton of cigarettes for about $17. total cost.

Do these filters work in any PC?

Yes, filters will work in any PC. However, make sure the filters are the right size for your computer (80 mm, 120 mm, &tc.)