In the Catholic Church, once a man has received ordination of the diaconate, he cannot marry. However, if a man is already married, he can then become a deacon (this is known as being part of the permanent diaconate, as opposed to the transitional diaconate, which is for men who intend to become priests). Should a permanent deacon's wife pass away, he is not free to marry again.
In the Catholic Church, permanent deacons can be married men. However, if they are single at the time of ordination, they are expected to remain celibate if their spouse passes away. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, men who are already married may be ordained as deacons.
A married man can become a deacon if he is married.
Yes. Usually deacon is only a degree before priesthood, but you can be so called "permament deacon". Permament deacons can't do things that priests can - celebrate holy mass, confess, but can (but it's not obligatory) be married. Person that want to be married constsnt deacon should have at least 35 years, finish special course, and if is married he should have permission from his wife. There is no difference between deacon that have to be priest, and deacon that will remain in this state for whole life.
A catholic deacon is only allowed to be married once. If he gets a divorce he will have to live a single life.
In the Roman Catholic Church, celibacy is optional only for deacons and laypeople. Celibacy is mandatory for any position higher than deacon. You cannot marry a vicar. Deacons can be married before being ordained as a deacon, and can keep their wives afterwards, but if a single man is ordained as a deacon, he cannot be married later. Thus, you can only marry laypeople, and the only position that your spouse can obtain without getting a divorce is a deacon. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, a married man can become a deacon or priest, but if he is ordained as a deacon or priest while unmarried, he cannot get married later. Celibacy is required for any position higher than priest. In most Protestant denominations, any member of the clergy can be married.
A deacon
Except in extreme cases, a marriage is only valid if it is done by the priest. A deacon cannot validly marry someone.
Yes and he has at least seven children.
the couple is from Pennsylvania
The definition of "celibate" is "not married." You probably are asking if a married deacon needs to be chaste; that is, not having sexual relations. To deacon produce is to bury the soft, spotted, or otherwise unappealing produce in the bottom of the basket, and the pretty stuff on top. To deacon a calf is to whop a newborn dairy male on the head, killing it, because to price of veal is too low to make raising it profitable, and the calf's genetics make it an unlikely candidate for a champion bull. Not exactly a paragon of virtue is the typical deacon. Most of them, however, do not engage in sex with a married woman if her husband is watching with a shotgun in his arms.
No. Deacons are authorized to perform fewer functions than a priest, and can be married.