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The US standard is to have the Red point North (look at the rim of the compass, is the 'N' also red or outlined in red?) You should verify this, however, because many things can mess up a compass. I have one that works fine, but White points north because my 4 year old played with a large magnet next to it reversing the polarity. If all else fails, wait for sunrise or sunset. If you look towards sunrise, North is to your Left and South is to your right.

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13y ago

The north point of a compass needle (the "north seeking pole") points towards the North Magnetic Pole, which is located in the Arctic reaches of Canada, and is not the same as the North Geographic Pole (North Pole).

Because the two poles are not the same, there are angles of inclination that have to be applied according to the local area, and these alter from year to year as the magnetic pole drifts. It is also possible for the poles to reverse over millions of years, as has happened in the past.

What actually occurs is that the needle (a thin bar magnet) aligns itself with the parallel lines of magnetism generated by the Earth, which run north and south between the magnetic poles. The "north pole" of the needle has a special color or shape to indicate that direction.

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10y ago

It points to both North and South. A compass needle aligns itself with the earth's magnetic field. So one end of the needle points towards Magnetic North, while the other end of the needle points to Magnetic South.

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13y ago

The compass needle points toward the north magnetic pole.

That place is close enough to the earth's geographic north pole so that over much of the

earth, the magnetic compass indication can be a useful approximation of true north.

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A compass needle points to the magnetic north pole which is different to the geographical North Pole.

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Compass with east and west reversed why?

Well, darling, a compass with east and west reversed is most likely just a faulty compass. It could be due to a manufacturing error or magnetic interference messing with its needle. Either way, it's not going to be very helpful in guiding you anywhere except maybe in circles.

Why does a compost attract to a north magnetic and repel by the south?

OK- first, it is a compass. The needle of a compass is a magnet. It points to the Eath's Magnetic Poles- the two spots where the Earth's magnetic field comes out of the ground. In magnetism, opposites attract, likes repel.

What was William Gilbert's theory about why compasses worked?

He found that Earth has a magnetic field also known as magnetosphere

How does earth magnetic field affect a compass?

The earth's magnetic field acts upon the magnetic material of the compass needle, causing it to align to the field. Thus, the compass appears to point North, which is "magnetic north". Magnetic north and "true north" are about 300 miles apart.

Explain why a compass points in a north-south direction?

a compass is a free-spinning magnet. When it interacts with the magnetic field lines of the earth, if the compass is not parellel to the field lines, it will spin. Just like a weather vane will move if it isn't parallel to the wind, the magnet will experience a force from the field lines causing the needle to move. When the needle is aligned with the field lines, it has reached an equilibrium since a deflection either to the east or west will experience a force pushing the northern half of the needle to north. So, essentially think of the magnetic field lines as a north-south wind and the magnet as a weather vane.

Related questions

What is a instrument with a needle that points north?

A compass.

What does a compass needle point do?

It points to true north.

A needle on a compass always point to what pole?

The North Pole.Another AnswerA compass needle points to the location called 'Magnetic North', named to distinguish it from 'True North'. Magnetic North is several hundred miles away from True North.

The needle of a compass points to what pole?

The needle of a compass points towards the Earth's magnetic North Pole.

Find out why the needle of a compass points to the north?

OK. Done that.

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is placed with a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is placed in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

What direction does the magnetic needle of a compass point to?

The magnetic needle of a compass points towards the Earth's magnetic North Pole.

How does a compass needle respond when a compass is Place with in a magnetic field?

If a magnetic compass needle is placed in a magnetic Field , its needle deflects and points in the north and south directions

Why does a compass needle line itself up with the magnetic field?

A compass needle is a small magnet that aligns itself with Earth's magnetic field. The needle's north pole points toward Earth's magnetic north pole due to the attraction between opposite magnetic poles. This allows the compass needle to accurately indicate the direction of north.

Why the compass shows north in Telugu?

same reason it shows North anywhere. The needle of a compass is a magnet. It points to the North Magnetic Pole.

What is a magnetized needle that is attracted to the Earth's North magnetic pole?

That would be a compass needle. It aligns with the Earth's magnetic field and points towards the North magnetic pole.