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Q: Does Winslow want more people to come to America?
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Where did the people of Central America originally come from?

originally Asia but now the answer is more Spain

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throgh the bering land brigde(which does not exist any more)

Who is Winslow?

Seems there any many people with this name. More info is needed, after all that's my name and I am no-one of interest.

Who is Catherine winslow?

Seems there any many people with this name. More info is needed, after all that's my name and I am no-one of interest.

How do you think the success of Plymouth might have influenced more people to come to North America?

because they want to come to a settlement that has success not a settlement where they don't have anything.

Why did people come to North America?

People come to North America to be free from rulers like kings and queens and they choose here because AMERICA is a FREE COUNTRY they also come to explore nature sometimes they come on vacation or maybe they come for the warm weather. Above answer is stupid. People do not move from South America to north America to flee from Kings. There are no Kings and queens in south America. First of all specify what you mean by north America. I assume you mean USA. Most Latinos moving to USA come from Mexico which is also in north America. They move because the American media advertises a lot in south America and popular belive says that the working conditions in America are better than in south America. Nevertheless this is only true for legal imigrants.

What factors would encourage people to come to America over 100 years ago.?

more personal freedom in the United States

Is there more dead people than alive people in North America?

There are no dead people in North America

Did any Africans come to America not as slaves?

Yes, there were people who came from Africa to the Americas that were not sold as slaves. While the exact number is hard to determine, more people from Africa came to America as slaves rather than as free men.

Why did most Europeans come to north America?

to get more land

Why did English settlers come to America?

The English settled in North America for a variety of reasons. Some wanted adventure in the New World. The pilgrims came to America for religious freedom.

Why did English come to America?

The English came to America because they wanted more freedom and a better colony.