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Yes.... Sarah Palin and her family live in Wasilla Alaska, approx 45 mins drive from Anchorage.

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11y ago

Yes, she does indeed have a house there. (as of July 2013)

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13y ago

no she lives in Alaska

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Q: What city in Alaska does Sarah Palin live in?
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In which state does Sarah palin live?


Where does Sarah Palin's father live?

He lives in Winchapuck Alaska

What town does Sarah Palin live in Alaska?

Sarah Palin was the mayor of the small city of Wasilla, AK. She became governor of Alaska after that for most of one term before running for vice president in 2008.

Where does Sarah Palin currently live and where is she from?

She was born in Sandpoint, Idaho. She moved to Alaska with her family when she was 3 months old. She went back to Idaho to attended the University of Idaho and earned a Journalism Degree before returning to Alaska. Sarah Palin is from Wasilla, Alaska.

What Street Does Sarah palin live on?

Sarah Palin lives on W Parks Highway in the town of Wasilla, Alaska. Her personal life became public after she was added on to the presidential ticket along with John McCain.

Is Sarah palin's parents divorced?

Chuck and Sally Heath both currently live in a house in Wasilla, Alaska.

Do any famous people live in Alaska today?

Yes, I am pretty sure Sarah Palin does, but you can check the Internet to be certain.

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Chuck and Sally Heath both currently live in a house in Wasilla, Alaska. No members of her family live in China.

Has Sarah palin ever live in Minnesota?

No. She was born in Sandpoint, Idaho. Her family moved to Alaska when she was an infant. She did live in Hawaii for a short period, while she attended collage.

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Where did Todd Palin live as a child?

Todd Palin was born and raised in Dillingham, Alaska.