

Best Answer

Answer 1

Because :

Ibrahim (Abraham)is Muslim

Dawood (David) is Muslim

Suleiman (Solomon) is Muslim

Musa (Moses) is Muslim

Isa (Jesus) is Muslim

All the prophets are Muslims because sent from the same and the Only GOD (Allah) who got the same Curriculum.

Answer 2

The typical Pro-Palestinian view centers on the idea that Israel is a modern colony in the Middle East (as opposed to a return of a people to their lost homeland). In the narrative, prior to 1900, less than 10% of the population of what would become Mandatory Palestine was Jewish and the Fellahin or Settled Arabs were the majority. There were also a large percentage of Turks, Circassians, Bedouin, and Druze, but the Settled Arabs were still the majority. Zionist Jews or those Jews who desired to create a Jewish State cleverly manipulated the Great Powers, especially the United Kingdom into giving them the right to immigrate to Mandatory Palestine in large numbers without consulting the rights of the Fellahin. Additionally, Zionist Jews purchased large swaths of land from Turkish nobility without consulting the Fellahin who lived on that land for centuries but did not properly own it. As a result, numerous Fellahin were forced off of their land during the Yishuv period, Yishuv being the word for a Zionist Jewish settlement in Mandatory Palestine. The Jewish population in Palestine continued to rise until 1939 when the Fellahin successfully petitioned the British government to close off Jewish Immigration. The Fellahin, who now identify as the Palestinians, have a right to that country based on this history.

However, Islam fundamentally opposes this view. Israel is a unique case and the Qur'an actually says that Allah is behind the creation of Israel. These views are established in 5:20-21 where Allah commands Moses to take the Holy Land for his people, in 17:104 where Allah claims responsibility for gathering the Jews to Israel, and 26:59 where the Qur'an gives the Land of Israel to Jews as inheritance. There is no point in the Qur'an that even alludes to Muslim control or right to rule any place in the Levant region. Unfortunately, as many Muslims would like to advocate the argument in the first paragraph of this answer, they conveniently ignore what their own book says.

20And, when Moses said to his people, "O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you when He appointed among you prophets and made you possessors and gave you that which He had not given anyone among the worlds. 21O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back [from fighting in Allah 's cause] and [thus] become losers."


104And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, "Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering."


59Thus. And We caused to inherit it [the land] the Children of Israel.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Allah Almighty sent about 1,24,000 Prophets (May peace be upon them all) for the guidance of humans to the right path. The Muslims believe in all these holy Prophets, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) being the last of them. Most of the Prophes were born, and are buried in Palestine. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) started his heavenly journey from Masjid-i-Aqsa situated in Jerusalem. The Muslims consider this land very sacred, thought, it is also considered sacred by the Jews and the Christians.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Answer 1

Allah Almighty sent about 1,24,000 Prophets (May peace be upon them all. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was the last Prophet. The Muslims believe in all the holy Prophets. Most of them were born, and are buried in Palestine. Thus it is a very sacred land for the Muslims. The Muslims took over this alnd for this reason. Although, it is also considered sacred by the Jews and the Christians.

Answer 2

There was no specific "taking of Palestine". Between 634-638 C.E. Caliph Omar led a war of conquest against the Byzantine Empire to take all of the Levant (Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria). Caliph Omar did not have to justify this expansion and conquest. The Muslims (including Caliph Omar) perceived that conquering neighboring territories was their duty as pious Muslims.

Historically, there was the "Right to Conquest" which was a pervasive idea in political thought. The idea was that it was natural for any country or state to grow and control more territory as it grew stronger. This allowed weaker states to dissolve in place of ones that were better run, a bureaucratic version of "survival of the fittest". The "Right to Conquest" prevailed as the dominant theory of nation-building until the mid-1800s when people started bringing up the concept of self-sovereignty and ethnic nationalism, which held the idea that people should govern themselves even if they are not the most powerful in the world. This view of state sovereignty has become dominant today and the Right to Conquest is seen as incorrect.

Since the Caliphates existed well within the Right to Conquest Period, the Caliphs did not have to assert a reason to conquer neighboring territories in Southwest Asia. It was their natural prerogative.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The entire land of Israel was given to the Jews by God (Genesis ch.28 and elsewhere). This is stated in the Muslims' Koran as well, in its Sura 5, line 21; and Sura 26, line 59. See this link: An Islamic authority reiterates the Jews' right to Israel.

Caliph Umar, one of the Muslim leaders immediately after Muhammad, encouraged Jews to resettle Jerusalem.

Note that the Jews are willing to live in peace with Palestinians who do not attack them.
Note also that anyone who would argue that Jews today include many converts, is being disingenuous. DNA tests have shown that today's Jews, despite whatever influx of converts, are still identifiable as the children of their olden ancestors. And in any case, converts to Judaism become part of Judaism and the Jewish people, not some separate group.

See also:

Jewish ancestry

History of Jews in Israel

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βˆ™ 9y ago

It depends entirely on what you are defining as Palestine.

The term "Palestine" is typically interpreted one of two ways. The first way is to refer to all of the land in the British Mandate of Palestine which includes the Modern State of Israel (except for the Golan Heights), the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. The second way is to refer to exclusively those territories which the Palestinian Authority claims will serve as a basis for a future Palestinian State: the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Understandably, it changes the argument fundamentally if 78% of the territory in question is exempted from the discussion.

I would argue that the first Palestine, i.e. the former British Mandate of Palestine, legally belongs to two distinct states: State of Israel (as representative of the Jewish Nation) and State of Palestine (as representative of the Arab Nation - majority Muslim, but not exclusively). Both the State of Israel and the State Palestine have historically grounded claims on the territory of the former British Mandate and deserve to live in peace under governments who reflect their cultural differences.

I would argue that the State of Palestine belongs to the Arabs. I do not think that there should be an issue if Jews wish to live there, but they should have to become naturalized citizens subject to Palestinian Law. To claim that they have the right to enforce the law of a different state would be to belie the concept of Palestinian National Sovereignty.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

If you're referring to the entire area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, you're about seventy years out of date. It's Israel, not Palestine.If, however, you're speaking about the Palestinian areas specifically, some of the land has in any case been ceded by the Israelis to the Palestinians, in whole or in part. In general, that is a matter for negotiation.

As to the principle itself, it may be noted that:

(click below to see links)

  1. God promised the land to the Israelites many times.
  2. Jews have had a continuous presence in Israelfor over 3300 years. Of that time, the Jews were a majority in the land for around 1900 years.
  3. The Muslims' Qur'an clearly states that Israel belongs to the Jews.
  4. Israel is more than willing to get along with the Palestinians and to come to some negotiated arrangement. However, it must be realistic since its citizens are under constant threat and attack. Areas which have been handed over to Palestinians, have been used to stage these attacks.
  5. Israel is more concerned for the citizens of those who attack it, than are the attackers themselves. While far from perfect, its treatment of civilians is better than that of any other country in the region.
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Palestine belongs to Arabs including Muslims, Christians, and Jews.

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