To teach within the public school system in the United States at the pre-K through high school levels, you must have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a teacher education program from a regionally accredited college or university and state teacher certification. This would take approximately four years to complete as a full-time student, provided you take the program as prescribed by the college or university. Individuals who already have at least a bachelor's degree but not in an education program, can obtain certification to teach specific courses through the Alternative Route Program within the state they wish to teach.
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No. Many agencies require only a high school diploma.
The level of courses taken depends on whether or not the school will accept them as transfer credits into a Masters program. Most schools require the completion of a Bachelor's degree in the area of Masters study unless you can show work or other experience in the major you are obtaining. Most Masters degree courses are geared directly towards the requested concentration and require 32SH.
the same as a normal masters degree, 5 years
yes, one can get a masters degree from online school
It depends on what graduate school you go to. Some schools will let you just go and get your Ph.D without the Masters. Some will let you do it if you first past a test. And some will require you get the masters first.
It varies from state to state, and school sytem to school system. It also depends on what level of teaching (pre-school, special ed., elementary, secondary, college). It can be as little as a Bachelor's degree in any field or may require a degree in Education or an advanced degree (Masters or PhD).
No i dont think so depends what the masters as in
In general, your masters degree will be of equal value. Most employers are more concerned with the degree than the actual school. Just make sure that the school is accredited.
Holy name primary school
you must have a masters degree to become a school counselor
Depends on what you mean by "full" child psychologist. If you want to do therapy with kids, then sure, a masters degree will suffice. For research and therapy, you will have to get a Ph.D.