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It depends. If you have a mobile internet package, or mobile internet is included in your current plan, you do not have to pay unless you go over your limit (or have an unlimited internet package). If however, you do not have a mobile internet package, you have to pay.

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Q: Does Opera Mini charge your wireless phone company while you use it?
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Wireless Phone Company?

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What does TracFone Wireless sell?

Tracphone Wireless is a wireless phone service company. They sell prepaid cards for wireless phones, phone accessories and data plans to make using a cellular phone affordable.

Is verzion the 1 phone company?

Yes, Verizon Wireless is America's #1 cell phone company.

Is there a wireless phone company that will loan a phone to check for phone service where my current phone doesn't work?

Nope. A wireless company will not lend you a phone without signing you up for service. i think Verizon wireless will allow u to try out there network for 1 free month without signing a contract, or at least they use to let u Sorry. All wireless phone company's suck. "Sept fo at&t y'all!

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T-mobile is the top wireless phone company in Germany. It is based in Europe.

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Many companies offer prepaid plans, but most charge for texting. Some companies that will not charge for texting in the prepaid plan may be cricket, verizon , tracfone.

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A Verizon Wireless cell phone is a cellular device from the Verizon Wireless company which provides flip phones to touch screens all you may want in a phone. Their slogan is America's most reliable network.

What is the company with the best cell phone deals?

Verizon wireless was recorded as the single hightest recommended phone company in all of america in 2011. It has been Reviewed that verizon wireless has more plans for every individual tan any other company.

What is the terminology for buying a cell phone from a company and reprograming it to your wireless co?

3xwpActivating it

What is a creative name for a wireless company?


Where can I find good phones for sale?

First check with the wireless company you will use for service on the phone. You will usually get a good price and warranty for the phone through the wireless company. You could then check auction websites to compare prices.

If a store has a wireless network, can I log into the internet on my phone at the store?

If your phone is already activated threw a phone company (Verizon, Sprint) your phone will get internet where ever you get service. There is no need to go to somewhere that has wireless internet access.