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Yes, think about it. In The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe Aslan dies for Edmund (Jesus died for our sins) and Aslan later rises from the dead. Like Christ's resurrection.

In another one of the books, Aslan turns into a lamb. Jesus is known as the Lamb and Lion.

If you're asking this because you are a Christian and want to know if it is good, I'd recommend it to anybody.

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5mo ago

"The Chronicles of Narnia" series by C.S. Lewis does contain Christian allegorical themes, with Aslan the lion often symbolizing Jesus Christ. However, the stories themselves are primarily fantasy adventures set in a magical world called Narnia. People interpret the religious parallels differently based on their own beliefs.

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11y ago

C.S. Lewis, the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, is in fact Christian and based this series onChristian belief where Aslan represents God or Jesus (for they are one in Christianity), the White Witch represents Satan, and the place where the kids are at the end of the last book represents heaven.

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8y ago

The Chronicles of Narnia is somewhat of an analogy of The Bible. Parallels include:

  • Aslan parallels God/Jesus Christ (in Revelation, Jesus is called the Lion of Judah). He dies in Edmund's place. The stone table parallels the cross. After his death, he rises from the dead. (Luke 23:26-24:12)
  • The White Witch parallels the devil.
  • When Aslan feeds the army, it parallels when Jesus fed the 5,000. (Matthew 14:13-21)
  • When Peter wipes the blood off his sword, this seems to parallel how we need to "wipe" off our sins by asking for forgiveness. (Acts 3:19)

That's only what's in the most popular of the books: "The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe".
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yes there is!! and narnia is real!

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