The south polar region's elevation is higher than the north polar region, because the south polar region is a continent and the north polar region is ocean.
the north of Siberia is in the polar region.
The opposite of a tropical region is a polar region.
The polar region around the North Pole is called the Arctic and the polar region around the South Pole is called the Antarctic Region
The Arctic and antarctic are the two polar ice regions. Iceland does exist, but is not considered to be a polar region.
Let's think for a second, POLAR bears live in a POLAR region. So do you think POLAR bears will have a problem not living in a POLAR region?
This answer is defined by polar regions between 60 and 90 degrees of latitude. The southern polar region is included in the Antarctic region of the planet. Antarctica is a continent that makes up 10% of the Earth's surface. the northern polar region is located in the Arctic ocean, and it is surrounded by more land than you will find in the southern polar region.
The element Mercury is considered to be non polar. It is not a compound but a molten metal. Mercury atoms are bonded to each other with metallic bonds.
This answer is defined by polar regions between 60 and 90 degrees of latitude. The southern polar region is included in the Antarctic region of the planet. Antarctica is a continent that makes up 10% of the Earth's surface. the northern polar region is located in the Arctic ocean, and it is surrounded by more land than you will find in the southern polar region.
You'll find the South Pole in the South Polar Region.
The northernmost polar region of the Northern Hemisphere is called the Arctic Region.
No, Antarctica is a polar region.