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Q: Is greece an independent country
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Is Greece in Ghana?

No, Greece is an independent country in Europe

Is Greece in the United Kingdom?

No. Greece is an independent country in the eastern Mediterranean.

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Is MONACO part of Greece?

No, Monaco is an independent country.

What was the independent country in Ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece comprised over 2,000 independent city-states spread around the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

What country is in the middle of Greece?

There is no independent country in the Middle of Greece. However, Mount Athos is ruled directly by the Orthodox Church and is considered an Autonomous Territory, but still part of Greece.

Was Greece always an independent country?

NO. From the time of the Macedonian conquest of Greece in the 330s B.C.E. until Greece became independent in the 1820s, Greece was ruled by the Macedonian Empire, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, the Republic of Venice, and the Ottoman Empire. The Nazi Germans also conquered Greece for a short time in the 1940s. During these periods, Greece was not independent.

What country was Odysseus from?

Odysseus was the King of Ithaca, an independent island kingdom in what is now Greece.

Is Greece a united country?

Ancient Greece was not a country. The Greek world was comprised of a couple of thousand independent city-states of various sizes, with a similar cultural heritage, spread around the Mediterranean and Black Seas.

Was ancient Greece fiercely independent or a united country?

Ancient Greece was not united - it was comprised of about 2,000 independent city-states spread around the Mediterranean and Black Seas. These city-states were fiercyl independent, and fought each other with monotonous regularity and destruction.

Who controls the island of Cyprus?

Cyprus is a sovereign, independent country. no one controls cyprus.

When did Greece become independent?

Greece become an independent nation in the 1800's