Benny Goodman
The anti-lynching song made famous by Billie Hollday is "Strange Fruit."
She didn't have hobbies per se. She had a successful singing career which left little time for hobbies. But she did have pet dogs upon which she doted and lavished lot of attention.
did billie holiday win any awards?
Billie Holiday went by Lady Day.
Billie Holiday was a singer, songwriter and Composer
Billie Holiday first sang at the Hot-Cha club.
Benny Goodman
African American people can sing masterpeices
The anti-lynching song made famous by Billie Hollday is "Strange Fruit."
She didn't have hobbies per se. She had a successful singing career which left little time for hobbies. But she did have pet dogs upon which she doted and lavished lot of attention.
Billie Holiday is a/an Singer
Billie Holiday is a/an Singer
Billie Holiday is 5' 5".
Billie Holiday was born on April 7, 1915.
Billie Holiday took the name Holiday from her father, guitarist Clarence Holiday.
what is Billie Holiday kids name