What happens after they meet the nomads in the book twilight?
James begins to hunt Bella and the whole family leaves to
protect her. Edward, Alice, and Emmett all follow in the Jeep.
Bella convinces Edward that the best way to protect her, Charlie,
and the Cullens is to leave and wait while they deal with James.
Alice, Jasper, and Bella leave for Phoenix while Esme and Rosalie
distract Victoria and stay in Forks. Emmett, Carlisle, and Edward
hunt James. James contacts Bella and tells her that he has her
mother and the only way she will survive is if Bella comes to him
at the ballet studio around the corner from her mom's house. Bella
runs away from the airport, where Edward's plane is about to land,
and escapes to the ballet studio. She learns that her mother is/was
never in any danger and tries to escape. James kicks her in the
stomach and Bella flies into the mirrors. She still tries to run
away and James breaks her leg. Bella's head was smashed into the
mirrors and she begins to loose consioness. James then bites her.
While this all goes on, James is filming and tells Bella about
Alice, who never remembered her human life. The Cullens, except for
Rosalie and Esme, get to the ballet studio save Bella from dying
and kill James. Edward sucks out the venom from where James bites
her and she is ok.