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No; an Elberta will pollinate itself. if you want a better fruit set , plant another type of peach tree that blooms the same time as your Elberta. you will get cross pollination and inturn will get more peaches.

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14y ago

Peaches are generally self-fertile. You will not get fruit for several years after planting, ranging from two to five years depending upon the age of your tree and what rootstock it is growing on. So, if you have two different peach trees you will get a lot more fruit, but you don't need more than one to get the fruit. However, when your tree does fruit you will most likely need to remove a significant portion of it for better fruit. Peaches in particular are notorious for heavy fruit sets. The rule of thumb is one fruit every six to eight inches should be allowed to develop to maturity.

Nearly all fruit trees are technically something like clones of each other. To 'make' a fruit tree for either the retail or commercial market, the growers grow roots to become rootstocks and then graft a 'scion' of the type of tree they wish to sell. The 'scionwood' is what they label the tree as, but the better nurseries will tell you which rootstock it is grafted on as well because it does make a difference for you soil and general location.

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12y ago

Usually. Many peaches are not self-fertile, that is, their own pollen cannot fertilize them. So your 2 peach trees should be different varieties. There are a few peaches that are self-fertile, but even those peaches will make more fruit if there is another, different varietal of peach nearby.

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14y ago

no, peach self pollinates

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Q: Do you need two Elberta peach trees in order for them to bear fruit?
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What do elberta peach trees look like in bloom?

Elberta peach trees are one of the latest to ripen. In Utah they are usually picked mid-September. This year (2012) because of the drought mine were ripe over Labor Day weekend.

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Snails find peach trees delicious. They harm and cause damage to peach trees (any fruit trees to be exact) by eating through the bark, leaves and fruit of trees and shrubs.

Where are peaches from?

Peach trees are grown from a peach pip (the seed) and the peach is the fruit of the tree.

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In their fruit.

Nectarines is a blend of what?

Nectarines are not a product of cross pollination. They are peaches that do not have fuzz. Some peach seeds produce trees that bear fruit that is not fuzzy. Sometimes a peach tree will bear both nectarines and peaches. Growers commonly graft branches from nectarine trees onto peach trees in order to produce nectarines.

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Apple and to a lesser extent peach

Where did Roald Dahl write James and the Giant Peach?

he thourt when fruit grow on trees it grows and falls of at the right height however he thourt what if the fruit stoped growing . Then he throut what fruit would it be he thourt for ten mins and then thourt of a peach so that is what he thourt

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In reality, it is a tree that bares fruit. For example, a cherry tree, apple tree, peach tree, etc. However, it has been used as an analogy within the Bible as well as various religious and philosophical groups.

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There are pear trees, coconut trees, peach trees, cherry trees, apple trees, orange trees, and even money trees!

What fruit trees grow in zone 7?

There are many fruit trees that grow in zone 7. Some include; apple, pear, peach, plum and even cherry.

Do peach trees need SUN?

of course they do both for photosynthesis and for the differentiation to flower and fruit buds.

How long before peach tree bare fruit?

It depends on your soil type, fertilization, growing season type or cultavar of nectarine and location (what zone you are in ) . I am in zone 8-A here in Washington and have 12 nectarine trees. My 'Frost' trees took 3 years to bare , 'Elberta' only 2 and my 'Redhaven' two of them took 3 years and the rest took 4 and one even took 5 years to bare. I had almost given up on the late bloomer but as of today 07 jun 09 it has twice as many nectarines as the other 'Redhaven'