Yes, you do need a permit to own a monkey becasue they are exotic animals which aren't considered house hold pets. Many say to not get a monkey because they could be dangerous and hard maintanince but if you are willing to care for it it may be difficult to get a permit, but you should fight for what you want.
No! they are social animals and need to be with their own kind.
as of now... no
No, Maryland is 1 of 19 states that bans having a monkey, transporting and importing the monkeys.
Either a license is required, or it's illegal to own a pygmy marmoset in Utah. Utah has a ban on private ownership of exotic animals. Source: (Page 42)
A finger monkey or a pygmy marmoset, as it is called, is in the Cebuella genus.
Yes, a resident of England can own a monkey in England. The resident will have to get a license to own an exotic pet.
Probably some states in the USA. You'd may need to get a license to get one though.
it depends many monkeys have been banned in the united states put from gathered information i think you can have a marmoset monkey a tamarin and most common a capuchin. you must research the animal of course and you need to inquire information from the Dallas county and SEE IF YOU NEED A PERMIT
In some states, one cannot legally own a pet monkey. In addition, one should check with one's homeowners association whether owning a pet monkey is legal. If it is legal in one's state, one should apply for an exhibitor's or breeder's license before getting the monkey.
You will have to register for a ZTRSA license, which usually costs around $20. If you have intentions of marrying/mating with the monkey, that is a different story. Hope this helps!
No you do not have to have a license to own a crab, i have a few crabs and i do not need a license to own them.
You can own a monkey anywhere as long as they you have a special license saying you can own one.