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No, you dont. A 'belly button' (umbilicus) is just a mark left from when you was in your mothers womb-conected to the placenta. It has nothing to do with having a baby yourself.

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Q: Do you need a belly button to have a baby?
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Does getting your belly button pierced affect your umbilical cord when you are pregnant?

no you dont have a umbilical cord you have a belly button your baby dose not have a belly button yet the umbilical cord attaches to the baby at its belly after its born the umbilical cord is cut giving the baby its belly button. However don't have your belly button pierced while you are pregnant as you will have to take the bar (or whatever) out towards the end.

Why doesn't Kyle XY have a belly button?

Kyle XY was technically, a test tube baby. He didn't need an embylical chord, so he didn't have a belly button.

When you are a baby what thing do you have on your belly button?


Why do people need belly buttons?

The reason people have belly buttons is because when women have babies and the woman eats food there's a tube that goes from womans belly, button to babies belly button, so the baby grows. Then when the baby gets big enough the doctor cuts open the woman's tum, then the tube. And then the tube, then the baby comes out!

Can you be born without a belly botton?

not really. the belly button is the end of a cord that transfers nutrients to the baby while it is still in the womb. so if a baby didn't have a belly button, it would probably be dead. however, you can have a deformed belly button, depeding on how it was cut. what do you think ask every one if they have a belly button and you got your answer.

Does people have to be born with belly button?


What causes belly button dandruff?

There is no such thing as belly button dandfruff, you probably just need to clean the inside of your belly button.

When you are pregnant when does your belly button pop out?

When the baby's done! No, it doesn't always happen. There is no way to predict whether or not your belly button will pop out pregnancy to pregnancy and is mostly related to the position of your baby. Some women are quite annoyed by this and will even tape their belly button flat to their pregnant bellies. It is helpful to know that your belly button popping out can be normal and is not harmful to you or your baby.

Is it normal to feel your baby move under your belly button?

Yes it is normal to feel your baby move under your belly button I'm pregnant with my third child and you feel the baby move any where it feels like kicking or turning. The only time you need to worry is if your baby inst moving at all.

What forms the belly button?

The belly button, or navel, is formed during the healing process after the umbilical cord is removed shortly after birth. The remaining scar tissue eventually forms into the shape of a belly button.

Do you need a bellybutton?

No, your belly button is what used to be your umbilical cord. After you are born it is formed into a belly button and has no more use.

Does the baby start to grow about an inch under the belly button?

No, above.