yes u do, but it free. and its so awesome; u can get up to over lvl 100 and with awesome graphics, but it takes about an hour or so to finish download.
You Go To then u create an account and u download the game and u start playing = D
go to the website. they can be found from top of games, and the like
No, you cannot
The cap in fiesta online is currently 105, when the game started the cap was 20, then they upgraded it to 50, to 89, to 105. there is now a new highest level it goes to what i know so far 132
Um u can but u may get banned very easily after.
Download it at link below
no you have to download it but its great fun you will love it its worth it
If you still can't find it after this answer ask a game master,it is on the Fiesta website its under the downloads tab.
You Go To then u create an account and u download the game and u start playing = D
You can download the popular song Fiesta Loca by Desaparecidos from iTunes and Amazon. It may also be available on file sharing sites such as Bee mp3 and 4 Shared.
Mp3 fiesta
go to the website. they can be found from top of games, and the like
you can go to and sin up for the website and there you go
It takes several hours to download because of the fiesta client to work,but if you have a fast and not old(crappy) computer it takes about 25 mins.
u first need to download it; go to download and play button, and click the bg "DOWNLOAD" orange button at the top. then, it will tell u wat to do, and then it will download, and then u hav to install it, and then, u can start playing; fiesta will appear as a desktop icon automatically once u've finished everything. it usually takes about an hour or so to finish downloading everything.
well one is called grand chase fly for fun botz and fiesta