Bears generally will not eat hosta. They prefer higher calorie plants like berries.
You can spray your hosta with a pepper spray.
form_title= Hosta Plants form_header= Create a beautiful look in your garden with Hosta plants. Do you want to buy Hosta plants as a seed?*= () Yes () No Have you ever planted Hosta before?*= () Yes () No Do you need to buy fertilizer?*= () Yes () No
Grasshoppers will eat hosta.
Woodchucks are mostly herbivorous, eating primarily wild grasses, vegetation, berries and crops when available. Woodchucks will also eat grubs, grasshoppers, insects, snails, and other small animals.
it's a favorite food for deer, slugs and snails.
Yes hosta is poisonous to dogs.
Hosta flowers do make seeds.
No. Woodchucks are herbivores, that is, plant eaters.
The ducks may be eating the snails on your hosta.
Opossums prefer road kill or insects. It is more likely that it is a vole eating your hosta.