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No, they are not needed in natural conditions. In the wild, they do not tend to stay running at high speeds for very long. They also don't run on asphalt or other surfaces that will put excessive wear on their hooves.

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Q: Do wild horses have horse shoes on?
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Do mustangs and domestic horses both wear horse shoes?

By mustangs I assume you mean wild horses. No, only domesticated horses SOMETIMES wear horse shoes; it is not a requirement that they wear shoes. Two of my horses do not wear shoes and the other one only wears them on his front feet for orthopedic reasons.

What do horses wear on the bottom of their hoofs?

Horses wear horse shoes on the bottom of their hoofs.

Do wild horses act differently to domestic horses?

No. A horse is a horse and behaves like a horse regardless if it's wild, feral or domesticated.

Is a semi wild horse - A domesticated horse that has become wild again?

Not exactly. A semi-wild horse is a horse that retains much of its "wildness" but is still raised by humans. Bucking horses are semi-wild horses, for instance.

Where can ride there wild horses?

well it is not smart to ride a wild horse but wild horse rehab

What did a colonial farrier do?

Farriers are workers who specialize in shoeing horses.

Why are horses born wild?

Not all horses are born wild. Domestic horses when born are not really wild, they are just young and need education. There is a big difference between a wild horse and a domestic, green horse.

What are special functions of wild horses?

Wild horses tend to be a lot faster and stronger. They were born and raised in the wild so they have to be strong to protect itself. A wild horse will have some extra senses that a farm horse may not. Farm horses trust you, but a wild horse, not so much.

Do horses grow out of their horse shoes?

Yes, horses do grow out of their shoes. Their shoes can also become worn and need replacing because of that.

What is faster wild horse or quarter horse?

quarter horses

What are horses called that are returned to the wild?

Feral horses are horses that have been tame or domesticated but have escaped and returned to the wild. An exception is Przewalski's Horse a breed of wild horse that was subjected to a breeding program and then purposefully returned to the wild. These horses have never been tamd or domesticated.

What is the name of the person who shoes a horse?

Farrier. The person who shoes horses is a farrier.