

Best Answer

All cars and light trucks built for sale in the United States after 1996 are required to be OBD-II compliant. Check out this site: Cheers

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Q: Do they still publish computer interface specs and codes?
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Can anyone check out your computer specs please?

Yes, anyone can check your computer specs by going to the system properties on your computer.

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ill enter the specs in a second

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You can find specs for Sony computers at the official Sony online store. Once on the page, you can click on a computer you are interested in to view the specs before purchasing.

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You can purchase Guitar Hero III for PC from your local retailer, but the specs are very high. If your computer doesn't have high specs, you can download a program called "Frets on Fire".

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Dell Dimension 'specs' cannot be bought. Specs or specifications are simply the dimensions, memory and operating system of a computer. Dell Dimension computers can be bought directly from the Dell site.

How do you make minecraft work for your Windows 98 computer?

Try getting KernelEx, but whar are the specs in your computer? laptop or desktop?

What is the Timing specs for 1999 ford contour 4-cylinder?

the engine's timing is computer controlled. What timing specs are you looking for. What engine is it? 2.0l VVT engine?

How do you answer what is your PC specs?

click the start button, go to the computer icon and right-click it and then you select properties. This should display some basic hardware specs.

What are the specs of a T6600 processor?

The specs of a T6600 processor would be 2 cores with 2M cache, 2.2 GHZ, and 800 MHz FSB. One can purchase a computer with these specs at a store like Best Buy or Amazon.

Can Call Of Duty World At War run smoothly on your computer?

it depends on your system specs