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yes they do move.

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Q: Do the neighbors in your town move on Animal Crossing?
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What is the maximum number of neighbors on Wii animal crossing city folk?

The most neighbors you can have is only 10 neighbors in your town.

How much neighbors can be in your town at once in animal crossing city folk?


How do you move to your friends town on Animal Crossing City Folk?

You can only do that for Animal Crossing on your ds.

Can you move to a different town for animal crossing GameCube?


How long does it take for caracters to move away in Animal Crossing City Folk?

It depends if they like the town or not. Or how neighbors are acting to each other. One of my neighbors just moved in and moved back out 3 days later.

Do animal crossing characters keep their greetings when the move town?

Yes, they do.

How do you get Gabi on animal crossing wild world?

you have to wait for her to move to your town.

In the animal crossing games is angus a boy or girl?

Angus is a male bull, and is one of your many neighbors that you can have in your town.

Can your have a certain animal to be your neighbor in animal crossing for ds?

no, they are just put where ever when they move into your town.

What is Animal Crossing little town?

there is an animal crossing little town

How do you move to your friends town in Animal Crossing City Folk for the wii?

you cant

How do you get people to move on Animal Crossing wild world?

You can't make them move unless you invite one of your other friends that has animal crossing wild world to your town and get them to talk to them. If they keep on talking to them, they will move to your freinds town. Hope I helped! ^_^ ~snazzycatz