sea urchins
There are several animals that eat sea urchins. Sea otters, sunflower stars, snails, crabs and some species of fish predate upon sea urchins.
Green Sea Urchins eat plankton, algae, small fish, mussels, sponges, and brittle stars.
Sea urchins mainly eat algae and coral. However, they also are known to sometimes feed on decomposing matter such as dead fish.
Yes, urchins are considered "cleaners" and will scavenge the bottom of the tank for food.
At night, the porcupine fish searches for hard-shelled sea urchins, snails and crabs. Sometimes they will also eat sea jellies.
They eat dead fish. They also eat mussels, crabs, clams, and sea urchins.
They eat corals, sponges, sea urchins, other echinoderms, and small crustaceans.
sharks, seals, whales, and big fish
A Trigger fish eats spiny sea urchins, crustaceans, and mollusks.
no it is not
small fish,sea weed , planton,brittle stars.