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Common Snapping Turtles (Chelydra Serpentina) generally do not eat lettuce. My husband found a little guy about the size of a quarter 3 1/2 years ago dehydrated on a concrete slab...nowhere near water!! My experience is by trial & error. I was told they eat lettuce (supposedly loving Romaine lettuce), but mine has never eaten anything but high protein items. I have tried just about every vegie & fruit, fresh, dehydrated, you name it...he has NEVER eaten any. It appears that they are mainly carnivorous, that means MEAT! My lil quarter-sized snapper now has a shell approx 9" long. It appears that his neck/head & his tail are approx the same length as his shell. He is quite large, healthy, hardy, & happy. What have I been feeding him? I DO NOT LIKE BUGS OR ANYTHING GROSS, SLIMY OR CRAWLY!! Therefore, I went to a local pet store and purchased dried (dead) meal worms, broke them into 1/4" pieces and used a lil stick to push it thru the water right to his face...& SNAP he ate it. All these years his diet has consisted mainly of dried mealworms, shrimp, grasshoppers, crickets,etc. He also gets (mainly as treats a few times a week), real peeled shrimp, chicken(no bones), hamburger, roast beef, turkey, pork, hot dogs, lunch well as the occasional creepy crawly my husband brings him, like live worms, crickets, flies, moths. You get the picture. And this turtle loves me! Gets to the front of 'habitat' as soon as he sees me or hears my voice. Responds to commands...YES IT IS TRUE! They are VERY smart! He knows if he wants to eat he goes to the right front corner of his home. That is where he is fed. Most of his food floats, but if I drop meat in & it sinks to the bottom of the water, I just tell him "It's on the bottom" & he will dive for it. When he is done eating I immediately get a net and clean out any food or poop debris. Along with the filters, it keeps his tank clean, with only a partial water change once a week. He knows when I thru doing that...I get a toothbrush (with rubber & regular bristles on it) and he gets his shell scrubbed up and likes his belly and legs & neck brushed. He wiggles around trying to get every inch of him scratched. He also plays peek-a-boo. Ducks his head under foliage! Loves when I sing to him, opens and closes his mouth when I'm just sitting & talking to him. Plays with a floating ball and splashes around making a mess. This guy is awesome! I have never been bitten, however, I TAKE PRECAUTIONS & keep my fingers out of his reach. Really, just use basic common sense. Don't tap on the glass with your makes it look appetizing. "Mud-Puppy" lives in a 50 gal aquarium with enough water that he can completely submerge. He has large rocks that he lays on to bask himself under a UVA/UVB Daylight bulb, or just floats to expose his back to the light. Also has a UVA/UVB Night Light. Required for a healthy shell. Regular tap water has worked just fine.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes cuz all turtles eat vegtables and lettuce is a vegtable

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βˆ™ 12y ago

yes baby turtles eat letuce

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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