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Yes, and some like it very much. Others will not touch it. It all depends on your rabbits personal likes, but cucumbers are defiantly safe for rabbits to eat in moderation. Too much cucumber can make your rabbit sick. Cucumber is not very nutritious, and it can lead to diarrhea. Pay close attention to your rabbit, and if cucumber gives it diarrhea or gas or other health problems, do not give it any more. If your rabbit is fine with cucumber and likes it, you can feed it in small amounts as an occasional treat. The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of treat food per day for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit. See the related question below for more details about a healthy rabbit diet.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yes, rabbits do eat cabbage. They actually love it, but don't give it to them a lot.

White and light-coloured cabbages aren't healthy for rabbits at all: they're just too low in nutritional value, so they should be avoided. Stick to dark-coloured cabbages only.

Be careful because cabbage (and all cruciferous veggies) can cause gas in rabbits. Gas can be very serious, even leading to deadly illness (GI stasis). Some rabbits are more sensitive to crucifers than others. The key is to observe your rabbit and get to know her on an individual basis. If your rabbit gets gas easily, avoid cabbage and all crucifers; if not, then cabbage and other crucifers are fine in moderation.

See the related question below for more info and helpful links about a healthy rabbit diet.

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12y ago

Yes, rabbits do eat celery, although it's not very good for them. Dark-coloured celery leaves are healthy and can be included in the rabbit's "salad" (see the question below for more info about the rabbit diet), but the light/white leaves and the stalks themselves are low in nutrients and can lead to diarrhea.

If your rabbit really loves the white leaves and the stalks, then you can give them as an occasional treat (but most rabbits would prefer a bite of carrot or a blueberry). The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of treat food a day for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit.

If you do serve your rabbit celery stalk, make sure you cut it up into chunks because the thin spines have been known to cause problems.

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14y ago

Yes, they can do, the leaves and the actual thing, just not in too big amounts, both of my rabbits do, they love it!

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14y ago

Yes. That is one of their favorite treats, but be fore warned that it is only a treat. It's like a dessert to them. It's fatty and has no real fill factor.

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15y ago

They love it

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Q: Do rabbits like cauliflower
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Can rabbits eat cauliflower?

Absolutely not. Cauliflower causes the rabbit to produce gas and rabbits are unable to expel gas and so it can make them seriously ill and put their lives at risk. Yes. Although rabbits can eat cauliflower, cauliflower produces gas in rabbits, so cauliflower is more like a treat, and in small portions. Cauliflower is not part of a rabbit's natural diet, and it's not healthy for them. It's also known to cause gas, which is actually very serious and can quickly lead to deathly illness in rabbits (GI Stasis). Some rabbits are more sensitive to foods like cauliflower, and they shouldn't eat it at all. Other rabbits are okay to have a bite or two as a treat. The key is to know your bunny (which means close, daily observation). Don't take risks with your bunny's health.

Can rabbits have a fit because you gave them cauliflower leaves?

rabbits will eat cauliflower its very healthy for them cause we have rabbits and they love it and there out and running straight after so its very good for them its okay just ask me a question and i will answer it

Do hrse eat cauliflower?

Yes. most animals love cauliflower, but it is not good for rabbits (although they also love it, it gives them gas.)

Can rabbits eat the green off cauliflower?

Yes they can but, in small proportionsANS 2 - A friend of mine who breeds rabbits tells me they love cauliflower, but any such veg is bad for them, causing gas. He feeds his only commercial pellets

What is the percentage of people who like cauliflower?

I believe that 60% of people like cauliflower.

Can rabbits eat cauliflower leaves?

this is, without doubt, on of the most useful of all green veggies. the leaves and the stalks are the best bit to feed your guinea piggiesCauliflower poses no problems at all for guinea pigs. It is both nutritious and tasty for guinea pigs. Many websites recommend feeding guinea pigs cauliflower. It can produce gas but then so can some other vegetables. All things should be fed in moderation. Some other things you could feed them are carrots, lettuce and celery.

Is cauliflower a vegetable or a fruit?

Cauliflower is a vegetable. It is a geosperm, which means it has seeds on the outside, not on the inside, like fruits.

Is cauliflower like broccoli?

Yes. Broccoli was developed from the cauliflower plant in Italy lots of years ago.

How many animals eat califlower?

Of the animals that eat cauliflower are Woodchucks and rabbits, chipmunks, gophers and mice. Cauliflower, part of the cabbage family, is a popular vegetable that grows in nearly all parts of the U.S. Not only do people find the vegetable tasty, many types of insects prefer to eat cauliflower as well. Many varieties of pests are known to wipe out entire crops of cauliflower. United Nations Farms

Will rabbits eat guinea pig babies?

NO WAY, rabbits are herbivores (vegetarians) and so they don't eat meat. Instead they will only eat plant material. Guinea pig babies are made of meat, not, cauliflower or collard greens!

What is plural of cauliflower?

the plural of cauliflower is cauliflower As in "I have tons of cauliflower'

What vegetable has all five vowels in its name?
