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No. No they do not. Not only are their physical features very distinct, but their scents are entirely different.

To begin with, porcupines have a coat of sharp spines, or quills that set them apart from all other animals. Obviously, beavers do not carry this trait. Beavers have webbed feet and a long, wide tail. The tail of the porcupine is neither long or wide and porcupine's feet are not webbed. Next, beavers are the second largest rodent. Porcupines are the third largest rodent. This means that beavers are larger then porcupines. As you can see, beavers are completely different animals and have no true resemblance whatsoever. Sorry to all of those out there who thought they resembled each other.

Also, please note that just because these animals might be related, does not mean they look alike.

Oh, and just because you draw spikes on a beaver, does not mean it actually looks like a porcupine. You could probably draw spikes on a toaster and make it look like a porcupine.

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15y ago
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13y ago

yes- they have quills which are think hollow hairs

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15y ago

Yes, under the quills. The quills themselves are modified hairs.

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16y ago

no, not at all

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12y ago

Yes! :)

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Q: Do porcupines have pointed ears
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