For rats a diet made up of pellet type diet is usually the best. Small qualities of a variety of vegetables, fruits can be added to their diet. Fruits and vegetables that are okay for rats are apples, cherries, grapes, banana, strawberries, other berries, melons, plums, broccoli, potatoes, peas, carrots, cooked sweet potato, kale, parsley, bok choy, squash. Other foods that can be feed to rats are cooked liver, whole wheat pasta, cooked beans, yogure, brown rice, unsweetened breakfast cereals, mealworms.
Foods to avoid are chocolate, raw beans, raw sweet potato, cabbage, brussel sprouts, green potatoes, sugary treats "candy, etc.", caffeinated beverages, carbonated drinks, avocado, citrus fruit, mango, peanuts, fatty meats, sticky foods (peanut butter), fluorinated or chlorinated water, alcohol, green bananas, blue cheese, dried corn, licorice,
Note that small qualities is a teaspoon or half-inch cube. About 80 percent of your pet rat's diet should come from a commerical rate food and the remaining 20 percent from fresh fruits, veggies, and treats.
Hamsters can eat Bell Peppers, but not chili peppers, mine like lettuce too.
The black seeds found in bell peppers are safe to eat. They are not harmful and can be consumed along with the rest of the pepper.
no it culd make them very sick
It is never safe to eat and I hate peppers
A parrot eg (cockatoos, conure, macaws, etc) can have chilli peppers at any age from the time they start eating till they get old. Chilli peppers are not hot for parrots as parrots have no saliva so they can not taste how hot the chilli pepper is. Chilli peppers also help the parrot with mimicking human voice(speaking.)
Yes, some animals do eat peppers as part of their natural diet. This includes certain bird species, such as parrots and some mammals like monkeys and rodents. Peppers provide these animals with important nutrients and can also help with digestion.
It is safe for dwarf hamsters to eat grapes and bell peppers in moderation. The grapes can be green or red, but they must be seedless.
bell peppers are used for colour for the food and decoration
Black beans and corn with roasted red bell peppers
Carotts,celery,bell peppers,and mostly any other veggie