In the ground
yes it can..
They live in burrows in the ground. Some are found in california.
Owls are found in most parts of the world except Antarctica. A lot of owls live in old hawk or squirrel nests while cold weather owls make nests on the ground.
burrowing owls live under ground and other birds dontBurrowing owls are the only owls who live underground. Also, burrowing owls prefer running with their long legs to flying.
yes lots of different types of owls
Owls do not typically build nests. Instead, they often use existing structures such as abandoned nests of other birds or cavities in trees, cliffs, or buildings to roost and raise their young. These locations provide shelter and safety for the owls and their eggs.
Yes, they do.
Yes, you will find owls in southern Minnesota.
Yes, Snowy Owls Do Have Live Babies, Their 2-5 Days Apart.
Generally, in the ground. Much like a groundhog, the burrow themselves underground and live there.