Well of COURSE! All leeches are fresh water. In rivers they usually live under large flat rocks so as to not be swept away by the current. they will usually prefer a place were the current is not as strong.
They live in the middle TN basin but and by the Mississippi River.
No,leeches can not live in hot water.
Who told you that?! Leeches do NOT live in water fountains.
Leeches can live up to 6 months without feeding, but they typically feed every few weeks. Some species of leeches can live up to 20 years in the right conditions.
Live leeches were imported to Africa for the making of the 1951 movie "African Queen".
maggots are baby flies leeches live off blood from animals
The Ohio River
Stones River
Mississippi river
HABITATLeeches Live Where?Leeches live all over the world. There about 10% that live in the United States. Most leeches like moist habitats with lots of water. Swampy areas are very popular leech hangouts. You are not likely to find leeches in dry climates. You will find them in rain forest environments and near rivers, streams, ponds but not in desert environments. Most leeches live in fresh water.TEMPERATURESThe temperatures in the leeches environment are considered temperate - generally meaning all four seasons are observed. Since they live near water temperatures tend to be higher then what you would find inland. Many leeches live in rainforests, which are hot year round.WATERLeeches need water to survive so you will find lots of water in the environment that they live in. Leeches must keep their bodies moist to live.PLANT LIFEThere are a lot of plants in the environment that leeches live in because of the amount of water. The plants provide places for the leeches to hide to get their prey and to prevent fromANIMAL LIFEThere are a lot of animals in a leeches environment (many taking advantage of the water source they live by). This provides plenty of prey for the leech.